
Quick Practice: Check Yourself - Your Stress, That Is!
Our bodies are master communicators about the stress in our lives and how it's affecting our physical and mental health. Stress...

Mid-Summer Check-In - Part 1
We're at the halfway point of the season, which always catches me by surprise. My son is an early riser, which means I'm out of bed to...

The Pressure Cooker vs Pace + Grace
When the heat feels endlessly high, the rain leans toward extreme drought or heavy flooding (without much in between), and pressures in...

Feeling the Change
Everyone I know has been touched by the events of the last few years, albeit quite differently. From internal and personal to broad and...

Eastern Red Cedar Trees: Spiritual Meaning, Significance, and Symbol
This post contains affiliate links in which I receive a small commission in the event you choose to make a purchase. There is no extra...

Animal Totems, Meanings, and Significant: How To Understand and Interpret Messages
This post contains affiliate links in which I receive a small commission in the event you choose to make a purchase. There is no extra...