Memoir Projects
Another Day in the Van
To some, I lost my mind long before reaching Death Valley: say, when deciding to either sell, store, or give away everything, leave my career, and travel around the country for half a year in a van. To others, I was "living the dream" and they watched with wonder. To me? I just wanted to remember who I was again and find out why I was put on this planet in the first place. I wanted to reconnect with the "real world." The answers I got were beautiful, altering, and anything but absolute.
The College Girl's Guide to Happily Figuring It the F@#$ Out
"The College Girl's Guide to Happily Figuring It the F@#$ Out" is a compilation of stories, suggestions, facts, and myths that women who've been-there-done-that wish someone would have told them BEFORE their first day on campus. Humorous, serious, and full of personal accounts, this guide both entertains and educates on topics ranging from classes to sex and travel to the future.